大東文化大學Daito Bunka University
申請資格 |
名額 |
全學年2名。(限定交換一學年/學期) 限春季入學 |
學校年曆 |
Fall semester: September-early February |
注意事項 |
註冊繳費 |
須請校內代理人依本校註冊程序協助辦理註冊,免繳該校學費,但申請手續費、語言先修課程、課後延伸活動、住宿費、生活費、保險費、往返機票費等均須自行負擔 。 |
課程資訊 |
住宿資訊 |
自2020春季班開始新的宿舍選項:點我查看 You can also choose to rent an apartment by yourself, but it will cost a lot more money (including a deposit and reward for an owner), and you will need a guarantor when signing a contract. Most apartments are not furnished. The average rent for an apartment in Takasaka area is approximately 40,000 yen. The closer to Tokyo, the higher will be the rent. |
其他資訊 |
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