日本福岡大學Fukuoka University


  1. 本校大二/大三/大四/大五學生
  2. 具日文檢定成績3級



Fall semester: September-January
Spring semester: April-July


Part-time job is not allowed for exchange students at Fukuoka University. Please make sure that you have enough living expenses for the time of your stay in Fukuoka.


須請校內代理人依本校註冊程序協助辦理註冊,免繳該校學費,但申請手續費、語言先修課程、課後延伸活動、住宿費、生活費、保險費、往返機票費等均須自行負擔 。

課程資訊 隨班附讀
Undergraduate Courses: 
Students who have passed JLPT N2 level or higher are eligible to take the regular undergraduate courses offered at the faculty that you have been enrolled in. After receiving your application, Fukuoka University will decide your faculty according to your field of study at home university.


具日文檢定成績2級以上者 For applicants for exchange program who have language proficiency of JLPT N2 level or higher and are required to take regular undergraduate courses at Fukuoka Univ. which are related to their major field of study.

The admission shall be standardized in April, at the timing of undergraduate course programs' opening anew for the academic year's starting. For that, the exchange students shall be accepted for the period from April to January of the next year (one year) or from April to August (Spring semester only).

具日文檢定成績3級或4級者 For applicants for exchange program whose language proficiency are JLPT N3 or N4 level and are required to take Japanese Language and Culture Course. 

The admission shall be standardized in September at the timing of Japanese Language and Culture Course's opening anew. Since the Course's curriculum is designed on a year-round teaching, the exchange students shall be accepted for the period from September to August of the next year (one year) or from September to January of the next year (Fall semester only). The application guideline will be sent in December of the previous year.


Exchange students have priority to live in Fukuoka University International House. (If there is no room available, you will be assigned to other dormitories.) 詳情請見FACTSHEET


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