德國天主教大學Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstad
申請資格 |
名額 | 全學年2名。(限定交換一學年/學期) |
學校年曆 |
Winter Semester: October-February |
注意事項 |
註冊繳費 |
須請校內代理人依本校註冊程序協助辦理註冊,免繳該校學費,但申請手續費、語言先修課程、課後延伸活動、住宿費、生活費、保險費、往返機票費等均須自行負擔 。 |
課程資訊 |
English-taught Classes: Pre‐semester intensive German language course(每年三月跟九月開課): Pre‐semester courses may occasionally only be offered at the other campus if demand at a campus is too low. Students from the affected campus can still participate, but need to take a public bus to the other campus. A student ticket for the entire duration of the course costs €105.50. |
住宿資訊 |
請見factsheet |
其他資訊 |
https://www.ku.de/en/international/international-students/exchange-students-freemover |